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We all know that communication is critical to achieve effective outcomes. But how many of us really understand the intricacies in achieving effective communication when it comes to delivering powerful, profitable and successful projects?
While humans have been communicating since the dawn of time, the way in which we communicate has changed immensely, particularly with the evolution of technology.
Although it’s enabled us to communicate with more people and more frequently than any time throughout history, technology has also removed much of our direct connection to people.
This shift has caused us to become more rushed about the information exchange that happens when we communicate during project delivery. And this in turn has made our communication less genuine and much less effective.
Assumptions, what to communicate to who and when are just some of the things which cause communication to go wrong when you’re delivering a project.
Most people have the best intentions when they communicate. But they aren’t aware of the small things they can start doing and stop doing to improve the results of their communication, and thereby their project outcomes.
I see communication as one of the most, if not THE most important element in delivering powerful and valued projects.
And once you start to consistently practice communicating with purpose, it not only becomes easy to achieve effective communication but it empowers the individual, team and stakeholders to deliver better outcomes!
Effective communication applies to the project manager who needs to resolve problems or discuss strategy and finds their schedule overrun with meetings.
It’s for the technical specialist who needs to be clear on design requirements so they can develop the right outcome.
It’s for the business analyst who needs to document the solution requirements to support the project strategy.
And it’s for the customer who relies on the project team to have their needs met.
In a busy project environment communication is critical in ensuring we can deliver within our scope, against our timelines and budget, and to meet our stakeholder’s needs.
Across this 5-part series, I’m going to outline the five key elements to effective project communication that will help you to easily achieve communication success on each and every project.
These five elements will help you set boundaries. So you can protect the commitments of your project, support the time and working environment of your project team, and provide a valued outcome to your stakeholders.
Part 1. Communication Clarity
How to remove assumptions and get clear on what you’re trying to say.
Part 2. Communication Structure
How being practical will improve your communication game.
Part 3. 5 Steps to the right project info
The questions you should ask to find out what you need to know.
Part 4. The Who & How of Stakeholder Communication
How to find and engage the right audience.
Part 5. Creating Accountability
How to cement accountability to drive powerful communication
In addition to giving you the keys to effective project communication, each article in this 5-part series will suggest documented resources you can use to make sure your communication remains effective.
If you’re keen to make a head start, you’ll find a full list of Projecting with People resources in my online shop here.
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